Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Slip N Slide - A late night with the Singles!

One of the many things I love about the Church is how no matter where you go you have instant friends, and good ones.

We've met some really awesome people in the Singles Ward here. There's only about 30 people so technically it's a branch not a ward but it's great. It's been so long since I was in Hawaii last that forgot a cool thing they do. When they start sacrament meeting or when someone is beginning their talk they say "Aloha" to the congregation and the congregation all together responds, "Aloha!" It's really fun.

Another cool thing...Brooklyn's been talking to a co-worker of hers that's interested in the church. This week she's beginning to meet with missionaries and so we were talking to the Elder's at church and I noticed one of them was "Elder Madsen." I asked if he was related to Laurie Madsen Snarr or Mark Madsen, and he responded, "I wish." He said he wasn't but that there was a relation to Truman G. Madsen so I think there is a connection somewhere. I was surprised he wasn't because he really had those same kind brown eyes that run in the Madsen family.

The members in the branch are SO nice!!! They invited us out to FHE where they were going to set up slip n slides at a park in Waikiki. I was SO in!! It was such a blast! I go thinking they said Slip N Slides, they must mean, Slip N Slides...but nope they meant HUGE 25 foot long sheets of plastic doubled up to be 50 feet!!

Helping carry the goods up to the top!

We went to Kakaako Waterfront Park in Honolulu. This huge beautiful park right on top of the ocean. This is a picture I found on the internet but happens to be of the EXACT spot we set the slides up. The slides were there on top of the hill and headed straight for the water and as the night went on they shifted somehow and were steering us all towards the palm tree on the left. It got dangerous.

It was so cool to have the ocean in front of us and the city lights of Honolulu behind us.
As if that was scary enough add that the sun was setting wan eventually was done. This made it impossible to get good video....Sorry...but messing with my point and shoot we found some settings that helped us capture a few semi decent shots.

Lori soaping it up

The first ones to go...

This is Hala, sounds like "holla"

Check out the daredevils with their innertubes, rafts, boogie boards, and piggyback stunts!

It's our turn!

We ended up wet, sudsy,

covered in grass...

but with some new friends!

This is Keanue Kekaula...say that 3 times fast! He's gonna give us some Ukulele Lessons!! We can't wait!

After clean up we had a supposed "Hawaiian favorite treat" buttered crackers in hot chocolate...I was sure they were just trying to trick us "Haole's" into eating buttered crackers in hot chocolate but Lori confirmed and had some herself which reassured me. It was actually pretty good.

I thought it was pretty funny that they had hot chocolate in Hawaii. I guess Hawaiians get cold here????

We spent the rest of the night listening to Keanue and the gang jam on the guitar and Ukulele's. It was awesome!!

My favorite was their rendition of Beyonce's Irreplaceable, "to the left, to the left, everything you own in a box to the left." My camera battery died before I could get that but here's a quick snippet I got with it's last run.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to do one of those big slip-n-slides! It looks awesome fun. Hey maybe we should learn how to dance with Poi Poi balls when you come back. That sounds fun!
