Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween from Waikiki

Halloween on Waikiki Beach...does anyone else see a ghost in these clouds??? How appropriate.I was not anticipating liking Waikiki Beach so much. Although there was a lot more going on there than at local beaches in Kailua; kayaking, saling, fishing, swimming, etc, it still wasn't nearly as crowded as I thought it would be.

Hanale recommended we go there to try paddle boarding because a huge portion of the bay had a cement wall built round it, offering the perfect conditions for both first time paddle boarders as well as sharkphobics like myself. It helped me be in the water with some peace of mind. Although a tiny part of the wall was open for boats...which just made me wonder well if a boat can get through then can't a shark? And if a shark did get through and there was a wall around a lot of it would it be hard for him to find his way back out? So could there be sharks trapped in this area???

Even with my fears we still rented a board and gave it a shot. Here's a sneak peak complete with some good wipe out footage.

We paddle boarded about until sunset then it was time to put our costumes on and let Connie and Sandy paint the town. We'd heard Waikiki would be fun and boy was it true. The streets were jammed with thousands of people. All of them dressed up. All of them entertaining. And all of them so friendly! It was unbelievable! We had a total blast and are gonna start a new tradition and come to Hawaii every year for Halloween! Anyone else want in???

Connie & Sandy's night on the Waikiki strip was complete with, VIP seating & free appetizers at PF changs for being in the medical field, some lessons on our ukulele's, and free street corner check-ups for the locals. Check out the video at the bottom.


  1. Connie & Sandy-
    Thanks for the tip about YouTube- it worked and I was able to see all your new videos- What a riot you must have had on Halloween Night. A real party! You make me laugh. Out loud.

  2. Hilarious. So excited to come meet the real connie and sandy in just less than two weeks. Let the adventures continue...

  3. I think the clouds look more like a skeleton, but I could be persuaded.

    What a blast! Ceri, I LOVE you! I think you're definitely my funniest friend. Miss you babe!!!

    Keep doing good work in HI.

    P.S. Brave girl on the board. Excellent form. Excellent.

  4. XD this we laughed at hard! XDD It'z the Millington'z again!!!! =D we laughed so hard, we lost breath...XD
