Monday, October 26, 2009

"Weekly Planning Session"

For old times sake we decided to have a weekly planning session, where you figure out everything you want to get done in the next week. Ours was more of a monthly planning session. We went to Maui tacos, chowed down on Mango BBQ pork burritos and made a list of everything we definitely want to do before we have to go then put it on the calendar.

Big Ticket Items Include:

1. Shark Cage 8. See Black sand Beach
2. Luau 9. Bike the Island for Autism
3. Sky diving 10. Bike down Maui
4. Pearl Harbor Volcano
5. Maui & Big Island 11. Ride a Whale
6. Polynesian Cultural 12. See Lava from Volcano
Center 13. Egg Oprah's House!!!
7. See largest Banyon 14. Go Wallaby hunting


1. Learn to Hula 12. Face off a wild Boar
2. Go to the swap meet 13. Hike to Lighthouse &
3. Honolulu Aquarium whale watch
4. Eat fresh Coconuts 14. Hike Mauniwili Falls
5. Dole Plantation 15. Save someone from
6. Camp on the Beach shark
7. Snorkel in Hanauma Bay 16. Watch surf comp. on
8. Surf Lessons? sharks?? North Shore & Pipeline
9. Catch Gecko's 17. Go to Temple
10. Lead to Paddleboard 18. Annihilate entire shark
11. Kayak on Ocean species

I can already tell this trip isn't gonna be long enough.


  1. Looks like you are having lots of fun. Don't forget we (Brooklyn, you, me) are going to the new show at the Polynesian Cultural Center on Monday. The new show is called "Ha" which means "breath of life". It will be great. Can't wait to see you. I love so much, Dad.

  2. p.s. before you can complete filler number 12 you might want to buy and learn how to use a machete. My friend served his mission in the amazon and I hear they are pretty snarly! GOod luck...OHHHH Once you slay it you can have an authentic pig roast for your luau! Boom three in one!

  3. You crack me up Ceri! From your "To Do" list to your packing list (powerhorn to tske to the beach and yell, "shhaaaaarrk"...definitely!). Too funny!! Also love the picture of your feet on the beach at the top of the blog. Nice work!!

  4. Have you ever tried to chop off the tail of a Gecko? You can do it with ease- I'll have to show you when I get there.
