Thursday, December 10, 2009


So I guess the insane waves of the North Shore this week made not just local but NATIONAL news! Rightfully so. It was crazy up there. We headed up early to do the shark cage excursion but the water was too high and rough that the company wasn't taking any boats out. That's right folks...we booked the shark cage!!!!! Stay tuned for that post! Since we were already up on the North shore we headed over to watch the Quicksilver Surfing competition at Waimea Beach. The waves were at 50 feet high. Some of the highest they've had in almost a hundred years!

The road from Hale'iwa to Waimea is right along the beach and there were spots where we were driving on sand, leaves, branches, and other debris that the water had carried all the way up onto the road in the night when the surf was even higher! WOW!
To give you an idea of how high and active the water was is a picture of Waimea beach on a normal day:

Here's Waimea Beach this day:

There were still people crazy enough to go out and try and catch a good ride in. Can you even see them??

People are crazy!

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