Saturday, November 21, 2009

Name Bracelets, the Hawaiian Alphabet, and Teddy's Burgers!

All over the place you can have your name translated into Hawaiian and put on the item of your choice; necklaces, keychains, wallets, etc. it's great! Who doesn't want to know what their hawaiian name honest with yourself!

Brooklyn and I chose the leather bracelets, as seen below. As you can also see below I wanted to know what lots of names were in Hawaiian. : ) The thing is I thought the bracelets just got cuter and cuter the more I put on my arm. Brooklyn talked me down to three but then choosing the colors was very difficult.

Come to find out in Hawaiiain:

Brooklyn = Polikuline
Ceri = Keli
Cerina = Kelina
Joy = Hau'oli
Amy = Mea
Leigh = Kula

and unfortunately Allsop = Allsop

As you can see in this picture after a trip or two to the International Market the name bracelet count grew ...

I'm pleased to Inform you that
Gretchen in Hawaiian = Kelekena
Jennifer = Kinipela
Turtle = Honu
Hilarious = le'ale'a
Free one = Ka noa

Another cool thing is that there are only 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet! That shocked me! Their vowels are the usual: A, E, I, O, U and the consonants are: H, K, L, M, N, P, W.

Here's the tricky part, the pronunciation.

A's sound like ah, except if they're followed by an i, then together they make the hard I sound.
E's sound like A's
I's sound like E's
O's sound like hard O's
U's sound like oooo, as in boo it?

It's actually pretty simple, here we'll show you while we wait for our burgers from Teddy's. Teddy's Burger's is basically the Hawaiian version of In N Out Burger and it's delicious!!!!

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